Heather Ancell

Heather Cleckler

7th Grade Bible Teacher

Educational Background

B.S. in English Education
M.S. Educational Leadership

Joined LCA

August 2016

Heather with her husband, Dylan

Heather with her husband, Dylan.

My Family

I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada and am the youngest of four. I come from a family in which hard work and dedication were both modeled and taught. I learned from my parents' example that a Christian education is worthy of sacrifice. Neither of my parents went to college but worked countless hours so that my siblings and I could receive a quality Christian education from elementary school through college. I discovered my passion for words, writing, and speaking in early high school, and from that point on, I wanted to teach English from a Biblical worldview. I went to Pensacola Christian College where I learned from some of the greatest Christian educators in this world. After graduating with my master's degree in 2013, I moved to the DFW area to begin my teaching career. I taught middle school and high school English at a Christian academy in Flower Mound until God brought me to Legacy in 2016. Here at Legacy I have found a true family. Teaching middle school at Legacy fills me with deep joy that can only come with doing what God made you to do, and my colleagues here are not just my coworkers. They are my family and my Christian community. It was also in 2016 that I met my husband Dylan. We were married in March 2019, we have a two-year-old Yorkie, Dixie Jo that we love with all our hearts, and we will be welcoming our first child, a son, Deacon, in August of 2023. We love watching movies, cooking together, traveling, and watching college football.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

My favorite part of the school day is the morning before classes start when all the students are arriving. The halls are alive with energy. Students are talking to their friends and teachers, sharing stories, and getting ready for the day. I love being able to greet the students, connect with them, and set the tone for an energized and fun day!

Heather's dog, Dixie Jo

Heather's dog, Dixie Jo.

What are you passionate about? What brings you joy?

I am most passionate about glorifying God through the effective communication of truth. God made us in His image, and we are the crown of His creation to whom He gave the ability to speak and write through the gift of language. I view that as the basis for my calling as an English and Bible educator. I believe that God gave us this precious gift of language so that we can bear His image most effectively and communicate His glory in how we share Him with all He puts in our path.