Katie Babb
Middle School Art Teacher
Educational Background
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art, University of Oklahoma
Joined LCA
August 2013
My Family
My husband, Andrew and I have been married for 12 years. We met in college (University of Oklahoma) while serving together at Wildwood Community Church in Norman, OK. We both loved our time at OU and the various ministries and campus groups we were involved in, however, we don't keep up with OU sports making us the #worldsmostokayestsooners.
My family lives in McKinney, we love the pace and sense of community in McKinney. My kids Asher (LCA 34') and Gracie (LCA 36') attend Legacy and love being Eagles. I am so thankful that my children get to learn from some of the most gifted educators in the country. These men and women who pour into my children are an answer to prayer.
My husband and I have attended Christ Redeemer Church (CRC) in McKinney for 11 years. We helped plant CRC with a core group from Providence Church in Frisco. The Lord continually reminds us of his faithful love through our time spent serving alongside this body of believers. Andrew serves as the church's Worship Leader and I help with Kids Ministry, Women's Ministry, and Graphic Design.
We love spending time together as a family but our favorite thing is to get some ice cream from Handels and watch a good movie on the couch.
Why do you choose to work at Legacy?
The Lord has always gone before me and brought me to Legacy in his own time according to his plans. When I was interviewing at LCA in the Summer of 2013, I was very confident that I had zero chance of getting the job because I only had two years of teaching experience. However, I took the interview because I had met Pam Dyer (Lower School Art) at a couple of art competitions during my very short teaching career and knew I wanted the chance to talk with her more. So I went to the interview a lot less nervous than normal because I just wanted to talk to Pam. I was shocked when I got the job and even more surprised with how quickly I fell in love with the school and the students.
During my first year at LCA, my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child Asher. Asher was born in the Spring of 2015, that summer I remember feeling the tension between going back to work full time in the Fall and being a new Mom. I told the Lord, “I love Legacy I desire to continue working there but I don't know if I can do it full time and give Asher what he needs.” I kid you not, that afternoon, Mr. Mosley called me to talk about a part time art job they were adding in the high school! Through the course of the conversation it became apparent that the Lord was making a way for me to stay at Legacy and also be a Mom. I stayed at Legacy for two more years, working part time and caring for my little boy. At the beginning of my third year, we found out I was expecting again. Through the course of the year my husband I both felt that the Lord was calling me to be home full time with the kids. It was a scary decision because I loved LCA and I desperately wanted my children to go to school here but I knew I needed to be faithful to what the Lord was placing before me. So I left and I got to spend three of the best years raising Asher and Gracie.
In the Summer of 2020, we were trying to figure out where to put Asher for Kindergarten and were unsure of how to proceed. That summer I prayed, “Lord I really would like my kids to go to Legacy but I am trusting their education to you. I am holding this with an open hand.” Two weeks later, Chris Keyes (Director of Fine Arts), called me out of the blue and said that Lin Mayberry was retiring and was wondering if I would be interested in coming back to teach Art in Legacy's Middle School. I said “Yes!” and here I am four years later, blown away by the Lord's kindness and his provision of Christian education and community for my children.
What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at LCA?
I love teaching in the Middle School because Middle Schoolers are funny and I dearly love a good laugh. Its a privilege to walk alongside students as they grow and learn.
What are you passionate about? What brings you joy?
I love illustrating scripture as I study it in my own personal devotionals. The Bible is a beautiful text and God uses beautiful word images to teach us about his power, our need for him, his son, and the redemption that is so freely given to us. Some of my favorite pieces started off as sketches in my journals.