Amy Housley

Amy Housley

Middle School English Teacher

Educational Background

B.S in Secondary Education, Oklahoma State University

Joined LCA

August 2007

Amy with her husband and three daughters.

Amy with her husband and three daughters.

My Family

I am married to Adam Housley for twenty-three years, and we have been part of the LCA community since 2003. Our oldest daughter, Elisabeth, attended LCA from Pre-K – 12th grade and graduated in 2019. Our other daughters also attend LCA: Molly (`23) and Sammy (`26). We have two dogs, Charlie and Lucy. I love spending time with my family at the lake, hiking, and grilling on the back porch. I also love to travel, especially if I can learn about other communities and not just be a tourist.

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at LCA?

I love the relationships. Because the environment is Christ-centered and we care about more than just academics, I get to know students on a deeper level, and they get to know me on a deeper level. My coworkers and other Legacy parents are also some of my closest friends.

What hobbies do you have? Or what is a fun fact?

While I cannot do it as often as I used to, my favorite hobby is hiking, especially in the mountains. I used to climb 14-ers, and hiking is still a way for me to get outside in God's beautiful creation and quiet my spirit. Even though they probably do it just for me, I also love hiking with my family.