Cheri Mosley

Cheri Mosley

Senior Director of Enrollment Management

Educational Background

Bachelor of Science – Criminal Justice, UNT

Joined LCA

January 2018

Cheri with her husband, Kevin, and her two boys.

Cheri with her husband, Kevin, and her two boys.

My Family

My husband Kevin and I celebrated 25 years of marriage in 2022. Our two sons, Andrew (LCA’18) and Jonathan (LCA’20), as well as a daughter-in-love, Kylie, and grandson, Maverick, bring great joy to our family. I am a native Texan who grew up in Louisiana. Since my immediate family still resides there, I consider Louisiana my home. You will find me making gumbo all fall and winter! Orange Beach is my happy place. I love to be on the water with my toes in the sand. I also enjoy traveling, gardening, and shopping for antiques. Our Cavapoo, Mandi Mae, brings laughter to our family and keeps me active with daily walks.

Why do you choose to work at Legacy?

Legacy's story of God's blessing and provision is a compelling story to share. From my own experience as a parent of two Legacy graduates, I understand the value and impact of a Christian Education. It brings me joy to share what makes Legacy unique, such as its faith-based curriculum, supportive community, dedicated faculty, and overall nurturing environment that encourages students to grow academically, spiritually, and personally. I love helping prospective families understand how the school can meet their educational and spiritual needs.

Cheri and Kevin with their son, Jonathan, daughter-in law, Kylie, and grandson, Maverick.

Cheri and Kevin with their son, Jonathan, daughter-in law, Kylie, and grandson, Maverick.

Where do you attend church, and how are you involved?

I attend Hope Fellowships and serve on Connections Team as a greeter. I love welcoming new faces and hugging familiar faces as they enter the church on Sunday!