Christina Trousdale 4th Grade Teacher headshot

Christina Trousdale

4th Grade Teacher

Educational Background

Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education
Texas Teacher Certification

Joined LCA

August 2020

Christina with her husband and her son, Parker.

Christina with her husband and her son, Parker.

My Family

I currently live in Anna, Texas with my husband, son Parker and my dog Ellie. I have been at Legacy for three years and have loved every minute of it. I spend my summers running a nonprofit Christian youth camp on Lake Texoma with my family and have been doing that since I was fifteen years old. I love serving others any way I can and serving God however he needs me. I am lucky to serve and be here at Legacy.

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at LCA?

I love that I can bring God into every conversation and any issue. When I teach about science I can teach about the creation God made, I can show how we see him in the wonders he created for us. I love that I can teach about history and show the need a savior. I love talking about the amazing people through time who also served our God. I love that I can pray and bring kids closer to the Lord with every discussion we have..

Christina and her son, Parker.

Christina and her son, Parker.

What hobbies do you have? Or what is a fun fact?

I spend my summers running a Christian Camp for kids. It is one of my favorite things to do. I met my husband at the camp. My dad grew up going, my siblings and I went, and I cannot wait for my son to go as well.