Dwayne Hamilton Dean of the School of Business headshot

Dwayne Hamilton

Dean of the School of Business

Educational Background

B.A. in Broadcasting & Political Science, University of Alabama

Joined LCA

August 2018

Dwayne with his wife and grand-daughter at an LCA play

Dwayne with his wife Cindy and his granddaughter and LCA's production of Tuck Everlasting.

My Family

My wife Cindy and I will celebrate our 42nd anniversary in July. Cindy is the Lower School Resource Teacher at McKinney Christian Academy where she taught Kindergarten for 16 years. We have 3 children. Andrew is a pastor at NorthRidge Church in Plymouth, MI. He and his wife Brittany have 3 children. Our daughter Amy Forse is a Human Resources Manager with Nature Nate's and lives in McKinney with her husband Jackson and their 2 children. Our youngest child Nathan lives in Lewisville with his wife Liz. Nathan coaches and teaches at McKinney Christian Academy.

Cindy and I grew up in Gadsden, AL. Gadsden was once home to the world's largest passenger tire plant. We're products of Christian education, having both graduated from Westminster Christian School. We are members of Frisco First Baptist Church. We read and watch movies together. My passions (outside of what I do here at LCA) include golf and following all the sports teams from the University of Alabama. ROLL TIDE is a common refrain heard at our house.

Why do you choose to work at Legacy?

Dwayne with the girls golf team.

Dwayne with the 2022-2023 girls golf team that finished 3rd at the TAPPS 5A state championship.

Because God, in a dramatic way, called me here. I spent 37 years in the Consumer Products Industry. I now realize that God was preparing me during that time to do what I do here today.

What is your favorite scripture? Why?

Philippians 2:3-11
As I'm sure most Christians would agree, it's hard to pick one as a favorite, but this one is amazing. In this passage, Paul calls us to “consider others as more important than ourselves” and to not “merely look out for our own interests but also for the interests of others.” Wow! If, as a culture, we could all live that out – this would be a much better place to be. If Christians could uniquely live it out, our testimony would be so clear and attractive. Lord, start with me!