Emy Johnson

Emy Johnson

Lower School PE Coach

Educational Background

Bachelors of Arts-Elementary Education, Oklahoma State University

Joined LCA

January 2016

Emy with her husband, Cole, and her 3 boys.

Emy with her husband, Cole, and her 3 boys.

My Family

I am the wife of Cole Johnson and the mom to Caleb (‘24), Cooper (‘26) and Ben (‘29). We are “all in” at Legacy with my husband serving in Athletics as well as the Varsity boys basketball coach and our sons attending LCA. We are members and attend Denton Bible Church. Frisco is our home but I continue to say that I'm not the city type. I grew up on a farm in rural Oklahoma and still go back to help in wheat harvest to this day. I am a runner and enjoy working out, playing sports, cooking, reading and studying my Bible, long talks beside a fire over hot tea or coffee, watching the sun set, board games and black licorice.

Why do you choose to work at Legacy?

I choose to work at Legacy because God chose me to work at Legacy. He led my husband here in 2015, me and our youngest son in spring of 2016 and by fall of 2016, all 5 of us were brought to Legacy. It was a dream come true to not only all be at the same place but also to be able to speak freely of Jesus and my faith to the next generation in a school setting. I also choose to work at Legacy because I love my boss and trust her leadership. My coworkers are wonderful devout followers of Christ who sharpen me and support me.

What is your favorite scripture? Why?

Emy and her husband at an OSU basketball game.

Emy and her husband at an OSU basketball game.

Lamentations 3:21-25 This scripture is so encouraging to me and points me to much truth about the Lord. In the “dark night of my soul” experience, these verses brought tremendous comfort and perspective. They give hope and help me to renew my mind. In them we see who God is-compassionate, loving, kind. And His mercies never fail. In fact they are new every morning because God is faithful. He promises that He is good to those who wait for Him and seek Him.