Rothacker Kelly

Kelly Rothacker

Upper School Legacy Learning Center Specialist

Educational Background

Bachelor of Arts – Spanish, Centre College

Joined LCA

August 2018

Kelly with her husband and two kids.

Kelly with her husband and two kids.

My Family

I have a husband named Dave and two children: Michael (will be in 1st) and Blair (will be 1 years old in August). We have 2 mini australian shepherd / terriers named Misty and Luka. I played volleyball in college and studied abroad for a semester my junior year in Merida, Mexico.

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at LCA?

I love getting to know the students and being able to meet them where they are. I am a very relational person, and love getting to build connections with my students and having the opportunity to invest in them outside of the classroom. Getting to go to their sporting events, art exhibits, musicals, worship nights, and other areas that they are passionate about fills my cup. I love seeing them do what they are passionate about, and getting to experience it with them is a true joy. All of our students are enough and they are capable of so many great things. Seeing them live this out is so much fun.

What are you passionate about? What brings you joy?

I am passionate about sports and the positive impact they can have on children. We are already seeing this take effect with our son Michael. Learning to navigate personal relationships, being coachable and taking criticism, trying again after defeat, knowing how to feel big emotions and channel them in a positive way, and using your gifts and talents to glorify God are all such important aspects of life that you can learn in sports. I have coached for a long time, and am so passionate about athletes learning these traits and being able to utilize them outside the gym.