Kevin Mosley

Kevin Mosley

Head of School

Educational Background

Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering
Masters of Arts, Religious Education

Joined LCA

July 2012

My Family

I am from “L.A.” (Lower Alabama), as we call it in the South. I attended the University of Alabama on a full music scholarship but changed my major to Computer Science. After a life-changing summer as a camp counselor at Alpine Camp for Boys in North Alabama, I surrendered to full-time ministry to youth. I came to Texas to attend seminary. While serving as a High School Youth Minister in Forth Worth, I met my wife, who served as a youth worker at our church. We have been married for 25 years and have two boys, Andrew (`18) and Jonathan (`20), who both graduated from LCA and a daughter-in-law, Kylie. In February of 2023, I became a papaw to my grandson Maverick. I also have a beautiful Cavapoo dog named Mandi Mae.

(l to r) Cheri, Kevin, Andrew, and Jonathan

After seven years in youth ministry, I felt called to coach basketball and teach in Christian schools. Over the 25 years, I served in Christian Education, I really enjoyed coaching basketball, leading worship/chapel, teaching many different subjects, serving others, and seeing how the Gospel changes lives.

Mandi Mae Mosley

In my spare time, I enjoy playing the piano/guitar, watching movies, playing golf, and riding in a boat on the lake. I am a huge Alabama fan (my alma mater – ROLL TIDE) and enjoy supporting the Dallas Mavericks. I also enjoy calling LCA basketball games on the live stream. As a former coach, it keeps me connected to the game I love.

Why do you choose to work at Legacy?

The LCA mission “to develop strong leaders with Biblical convictions” resonates with God's calling on my life. I choose to partner with Christian families to educate students from a Biblical worldview. LCA is a strong community that cherishes a well-balanced approach to educating students. I love academics, athletics, and the arts, which ALL played a massive part in my life. Here at LCA, I can enjoy what I love while fulfilling God's calling.

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at LCA?

I love the rich and deep relationships we have with one another. At LCA, we cherish the teachable moments over the learning schedule. All learning is relational, and through relationships, truth penetrates our souls. The eternal significance of these relationships fuels my passion for teaching and leading others.

What's your favorite LCA memory or best teaching moment?

My favorite memory at LCA is hugging my sons as I gave them their diplomas! I am so grateful as a father for the impact the teachers at LCA had on their lives.

What is your favorite scripture? Why?

My personal ministry life verse is Matthew 9:35-37.
1) To minister to teenagers, you must be among them
2) You must really “see” teenagers and the challenges that face them
3) Youth of today are “harassed and helpless”
4) They must be led in the context of authentic relationships.
Our family's verse is Micah 6:8. This verse's simple wisdom can not be overstated.