Lyndi DeWald south campus receptionist headshot

Lyndi DeWald

Middle School Administrative Assistant

Joined LCA

October 2021

My Family

Hi! I am originally from Atlanta Ga, and moved to Texas is 1998! I've been married to my husband Trent since 2010. God blessed us with our 10 year old son Logan who is in the 5th grade! He has been at LCA since Kindergarten. We have 3 dogs Hoss, Hazel, and Hank!

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at LCA?

I love coming to work everyday with my favorite people! The relationships that I have built at Legacy and in our community is amazing, LCA is one big family! I love the people, kids, and parents that I get to work with. I absolutely love watching the kids get a Biblical foundation and learning to be Christian leaders!

Where do you attend church, and how are you involved?

We attend Hope Fellowship Church.