Lynn Dupree

Lynn Dupree

Senior Director of Athletics and Activities

Educational Background

Bachelors of Science – East Central Univeristy
Masters in Education Administration – Houston Baptist University
Masters in Athletic Administration – NIAAA

Joined LCA

June 2017

Lynn and his wife, Terri.

Lynn and his wife, Terri.

My Family

I am married to the former Terri Coker and will celebrate our 35 years of marriage this summer. My son, Sky, and his wife Liz live in Greenville, South Carolina and my daughter, Sunni, lives in Dallas, Texas. My wife and I have one dog, Nike, who is a 16 year old Shih Tzu.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

When I speak with or encourage a student and see an amazing smile. When I see our students challenged and rise up to meet it head-on. When I see the joy our seniors get when they are accepted to the college of choice. When I watch multiple student-athletes sign fulfill their dream of playing college sports. When I see a student-athlete work on a skill, possess the skill, then use it and have success. All of these confirm that I made the right choice forty years ago.

What is your favorite scripture? Why?

Being involved in Athletics, I like Bible verses that connect directly to competing, preparing, and executing. God put Proverbs 21:31 in front of me and I have been using it as my by-line on my email account since then. “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” As coaches, we need to not only prepare our athletes to compete in a game or contest but to compete for the Kingdom. We need to train our student-athletes (horses) to be prepared each time they step on a court or field to compete at the level of ability that God has given them. Knowing that God has already won the ultimate victory of eternal life through His son Jesus Christ.