Mark Hernandez Middle School Art Teacher headshot

Mark Hernandez

Middle School Art Teacher

Educational Background

Bachelor of Arts – Education, Lubbock Christian University

Joined LCA

August 2019

Mark with his four kids.

Mark with his four kids.

My Family

I grew up in the small town of Friona Tx, which is located in the panhandle (The REAL North Texas). I graduated high school in 2004 and attended Lubbock Christian University until 2010 where I earned my B.A. in Education. As soon as I met my now wife Michelle I knew I had to come to DFW. We currently live in Lavon and we have 4 children; Addy 11, Abram 11, Zoë 7, and Mila 3. We also have 2 dogs. A chocolate lab named Emma who is 12 years old and a Frenchie/Boston mix named Guapo and he is 2.

Why do you choose to work at Legacy?

Christian Education holds a very special place in my heart. My experience at Lubbock Christian University really showed me how a teacher could not just be an educator but a spiritual mentor. If it weren't for the obedience and responsibility to Christ of the professors who guided me I would not be who I am. Because of this I decided that when I graduated I would look to work at a Christian school where I could also model and encourage the Fruits of the Spirit to those young men and women who I come in contact with. Legacy offers me the opportunity to be that guiding figure and I am thankful and blessed to partner with LCA and it's wonderful families to bring forth a Christ centered education.

Where do you attend church, and how are you involved?

Mark and his wife, Michelle.

Mark and his wife, Michelle.

I attend church at The Pursuit Christian Fellowship in Sachse, TX where I have served for the past 11 years. I am an ordained minister and serve as the youth pastor. I am also a part of the preaching team and serve on the worship team. My wife Michelle serves along side me in the youth ministry and also functions as our church admin.

What hobbies do you have? Or what is a fun fact?

Some of my hobbies include playing music and making art. A fun fact is that I am an exhibiting artist and will have a solo show at “LUZ Art” this fall in downtown Dallas.