Rachel Constantinescu Lower School Principal headshot

Rachel Constantinescu

Lower School Principal

Educational Background

Bachelors in Bible and Elementary Education
Masters in Educational Leadership

Joined LCA

July 2022

My Family

I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, but I have also lived in South Africa – I moved to Texas in 2005 sight unseen! My husband Andrei and I have four kids that are all here at LCA. I love reading, cooking, watching movies with my family.

Constantinescu family photo

Rachel Constantinescu together with her family.

Why do you choose to work at Legacy?

As parents, it was key to us that our children grow in the Lord and be challenged biblically in all aspects of their lives. LCA was the best partner to do this alongside of us. When the opportunity came for me to also come and work here, I jumped at the chance to partner with other families to impact their children for Christ!

What's your favorite LCA memory or best teaching moment?

There is nothing like Homecoming at LCA! Our school community is so united and there is SO MUCH green and gold! I loved seeing our future Eagles, our current Eagles, and our alumni Eagles all together alongside our parents. I am already planning on how to add more green and gold to my outfit for next year!

What is your favorite part of the school day?

I love car line! It is awesome to interact with our students AND our parents in the morning and the afternoon, no matter what the weather! Chapel is also my other favorite. It brings me to tears every week to see our students passionately and purely praising the Lord.

What is your favorite book, show, or movie?

I love, love, love reading and usually read over 200 books a year. I love biographies and books on leadership. I have a ridiculous number of books on Kindle so I am never without choices to read.