Riley Thornton is a current junior at Legacy. She spends her time serving for both NHS and Honor Council, singing in Choir, creating content for LEAD Legacy Communications Team, running social media as a Communications Intern, and performing in Theatre.
Why did you decide to come to Legacy? If you're a lifer, or weren't involved in the decision to enroll at LCA, what would you tell someone considering LCA? I would tell someone who was considering LCA that it is an experience like no other. The small, yet close-knit community makes everyone feel like family and it is so comforting to know that you have a home to come back to after you graduate.
What do you love most about Legacy? I love getting to learn about ways I can apply my faith in the real world. Something so unique about Legacy is the Bible classes offered. Courses like Biblical Worldview, Apologetics, and Christian Perspective on the Arts have really challenged me to further my faith, learn how to defend my beliefs, and understand how to apply them to everything I encounter after high school.
Which class do you like the most and why? I love my Communications Internship because I am able to stretch myself in a field that I am very interested in studying. By learning all different sides of social media marketing, graphic design, photography, and more, I am able to find out what area I like best and really focus on it. This internship is very hands-on, and I love every responsibility that comes along with it!
What has been the best thing that has happened to you at Legacy? In my first year at Legacy, I was able to give my life to Jesus in class! After learning about the Gospel during Bible class, I had the opportunity to ask my teacher how to become a Christian. She then prayed with me, and I surrendered my life to Christ. It changed my life. I am forever grateful for that moment!
Where have you seen God move while at Legacy? While at Legacy, I have seen God move in many ways. Whether it was Revive week, mission trips, Bible studies, or even prayer times at the beginning of each class, the Lord has truly been working in the lives of students, families, and faculty throughout Legacy. Recently, I had the opportunity to hear a fellow student share her testimony in Chapel. She spoke about events in her life where God had saved her, and it was truly eye-opening. Even if we don't know what is going on behind the scenes in others' lives, we can be assured that God is working through them. It was so inspiring to hear her story in Chapel, and I am so thankful that Legacy provides students with that opportunity. As I said, LCA is an experience like no other.