Professional Schools Program
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does this program affect GPA, Class Rank, and Honors Designation?
We still calculate GPA and class rank under the same policies. Honors designations are assigned via final GPA categories at graduation much like college honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude).
2. Will the current daily schedule change as a result of this initiative?
The schedule allows students margin for academic choices and continued freedom to participate in fine arts, athletics, and internships. In addition, Deans will be able to utilize a new schedule plan to bring their schools together for symposiums and mentorship opportunities.
4. How will Legacy assist my student in making a decision regarding what school to pursue?
Legacy utilizes industry-leading tools such as YouScience and StrengthsFinder to assist the advisors and counselors in personal discussions with students and parents. The Professional Schools Deans are also be available to explore professional school-specific careers and future career development with individual students and families. With the addition of Deans, Legacy will continue to offer personalized and beneficial counseling services for students and families.
5. How will this program affect fine arts and athletic opportunities?
Since we are reducing graduation requirements, opportunities are actually increased for students to pursue multiple paths. A new schedule will also help provide margin for dual pathways.
6. How flexible is this program for students who may change their mind, or for a new student who comes in at 10th/11th grades?
The Professional Schools Program remains flexible for students through the Interdisciplinary option available for each Professional School. This option allows students to choose a school and have freedom to explore options as electives. Students who enter Legacy in later grades will be able to choose a school as well.
7. What are practicums and how will they be managed?
Practicums are experiential learning opportunities which include: senior thesis, capstone project, an internship, starting a new business, etc. The School Deans oversee all student-specific practicum classes and assist students in completing the pre-approved requirements for each particular school.