Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing. (1Peter 3:8-9 NLT)

I’ve been thinking a lot about Christian unity these days. I believe that we Americans are living in a cultural moment of unprecedented divisiveness, polarization, and tribalism. Fear and anger seem to be the predominant emotions experienced by our citizenry. Even among believers, there is distrust, disharmony, and discord. I’ve even seen and experienced it in our own school community over the last two years. The stress and anger resulting from a combination of pandemic weariness, social unrest, political extremism, and now a European war, are driving a wedge between brothers and sisters in Christ. It manifests itself in gossip, toxic talk, false accusations, and a hyper-critical spirit. Christian unity is being attacked these days, even in a covenant community such as Legacy.

And, don’t we all know that our enemy, Satan, is delighting in this disunity in the body of Christ. In fact, one of his primary weapons is sowing seeds of discord among believers. If he can divide the church, he succeeds in compromising its witness. 

Yet, I am not without hope, nor do I languish in despair. My hope comes from the Lord Jesus and my encouragement is found in His Holy Word. Our circumstances are nothing new to the body of Christ. In his first letter, the Apostle Peter gives hope and encouragement to hurting believers in the first-century church. The early Christians were experiencing persecution, suffering, grief, slander, and mistreatment when Peter wrote this letter. They needed sympathy, compassion, and encouragement–in a word, they needed grace. 

Likewise, we 21st century Christians need grace. Only God knows the challenges and trials that are coming our way. As the Apostle Paul reminds us in his second letter to the Corinthian church, God’s grace is sufficient to carry us through whatever challenges and trials we encounter (2 Corinthians 12:9). This gospel of grace is not only applicable to our salvation but is pertinent to our sanctification. It is also essential to our witness. Experiencing grace and extending it to others is perhaps the most effective evangelizing tool that we have. When the world witnesses harmony and unity within the church (including Christian schools), it makes Jesus an attractive and compelling person who extends an invitation to all who are needing deliverance from sin and seeking answers to life’s biggest questions. 

As Peter exhorted, I pray that the church would “be of one mind.” I also pray regularly for continued unity within the Legacy community. Please join me in these prayer.

Bill McGee is in his sixth year as Head of School at Legacy Christian Academy in Frisco, Texas. He is a veteran educator who has 40 years of experience serving in public and private schools, including 30 years serving as head of private schools in Texas, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

Legacy Christian Academy is Frisco's preeminent Pre-K through 12 Christian school committed to educating students in a college preparatory environment balanced in academics, athletics, and fine arts–all within the context of a biblical worldview. For more information on Legacy, visit our admissions page.