Why did you choose Legacy? We chose Legacy because our family values Christian education, and we truly wanted a place where that could be fostered and cultivated in our boys. Our hope is that their time at Legacy will develop their character, integrity, and grit, both in and out of the classroom. We also highly value personal relationships and knew that this was of high value at Legacy as well, as they seek to make sure each student is known. I am passionate about relationships, people, and that others would know Jesus and follow him with all their heart.
Was there anything specific about Legacy that influenced your decision? Prior to enrolling our boys at LCA, we tragically lost our nephew, also an LCA student. Our family was heartbroken, and we truly believed that Legacy would be a “safe landing” for our boys as they processed this grief. We are also a ministry family and have made several moves to serve in various cities and states. This often created some challenges for our boys as they began to naturally form friendships and lay down roots in these communities where we served. We were prayerful that Legacy could be a place that our boys could call home and form strong ties with faculty and friends, despite being new to the community. They are challenged to think about the world around them through the lens of their biblical worldview, no matter the subject. This does not mean that answers are clear, but they are walked through with the loving faculty and staff who want them to know Jesus and follow Him.
What advice would you give families who are considering LCA? The advice I would give families considering LCA is to be prayerful, hopeful, and trusting of the Lord's leading on your family. LCA is a strong community that seeks to glorify God with their talents, gifts, and learning. It is a valuable investment in the life and heart of your constantly growing-too-fast children that you will not regret. I chose to work at LCA for several reasons. One is that I would have the opportunity to work in a place where I could also watch my boys thrive and grow. Another being the ability to use my passions and abilities to pour into the future generation with the love of Christ. Finally, I chose to work at LCA because I value being a part of something bigger than myself. A team with a vision to always leave something better than we found it and honor Christ in the process.
If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about enrolling at LCA, what would you say? Trust! Trust that the Lord has every step of this process, and know that He will lead and guide you in the way you should go.I currently serve as the Dean of Medicine and Health Science at the Upper School. I lead our PSP School of Medicine, provide academic advising, teach Intro to Health and Medicine, co-teach Intro to Psychology, and serve as an advisor to a precious group of sophomore ladies.
How has LCA helped your children thrive? As mentioned earlier, my boys had made several moves throughout our family's service in ministry, as well as sustained a tragic loss. Despite these significant challenges, our boys have become a part of a loving community and thrived both in and out of the classroom. They both tell us regularly how much they love LCA. My favorite part of the school day is first thing in the morning. I love saying hello and walking the halls to see past and current students. It fills my heart with joy and gratitude.
How has Legacy lived up to your expectations? Moving our boys to LCA was a risk, as we had already made several moves together as a family, and were fearful that this might be yet another place to find their way. My heart was overwhelmed when after about 2 months into our time at LCA, my youngest son, Jack, exclaimed as we turned onto Fighting Eagle Drive, that he LOVED Legacy and it felt like he had been there forever. I silently praised God as I fought back tears. This was more than what we could have imagined for our boys in the midst of such uncertainty. I love the personal relationships with students. I want them to be seen, known, and loved. My current position allows me numerous opportunities to provide this opportunity for students.
Legacy Christian Academy is Frisco's preeminent Pre-K through 12 Christian school committed to educating students in a college preparatory environment balanced in academics, athletics, and fine arts–all within the context of a biblical worldview. For more information on Legacy, visit our admissions page.