
Faculty & Staff

McKnelly Melissa
Melissa McKnelly
Bethany McMillon
Bethany McMillon
Xiomara Meza Pre-K4 Spanish Immersion teacher headshot
Xiomara Meza
Leslie Mida - Legacy Learning Center Teacher
Leslie Mida
Kristie Mitchel
Kristie Mitchell
Jennifer Mooney Headshot
Jennifer Mooney
Photo of James Moore, Upper School Computer Science Teacher
James Moore
Kevin Mosley
Kevin Mosley
Cheri Mosley
Cheri Mosley
Andy Murphy
Andy Murphy
Lori Nappier Headshot
Lori Nappier
Monica Navarro Headshot
Monica Navarro
Shannon Nelson Chief Advancement Officer headshot
Shannon Nelson
Photo of Brent Nine, Upper School Math Teacher
Brent Nine
Photo of Candace Owens, Pre-K Teacher Aide
Candace Owens
Pahola Pachon Headshot
Pahola Pachon
Photo of Meg Parker, Director and Dean of the schools of arts and humanities
Meg Parker
Phil Parlin Middle School PE Coach headshot
Phil Parlin
Dirk Preble
Dirk Preble
Michael Presley Headshot
Michael Presley
Photo of Karen Profeta, Early Learning Campus Science Teacher
Karen Profeta
Heather Reck
Heather Reck
Rhodes Nick
Nick Rhodes
Craig Rich Headshot
Craig Rich
Photo of Eileen Richardson, Middle School Legacy Learning Specialist
Eileen Richardson
Joey Roach
Joey Roach
Grace Roach Headshot
Grace Roach
Alex Robison Headshot
Alex Robison
Lauren Rodgers Headshot
Lauren Rodgers
Yanira Rodriguez
Yanira Rodriguez