
Faculty & Staff

Bernadette Rodriguez Headshot
Bernadette Rodriguez
Victor Rodriguez-Santiago headshot
Victor Rodriguez-Santiago
Michelle Rogers Upper School Math Teacher headshot
Michelle Rogers
Rothacker Kelly
Kelly Rothacker
Robyn Schuller
Robyn Schuller
Mark Smith Headshot
Mark Smith
Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith
Lana Snear
Lana Snear
Heather Snider
Heather Snider
Jena Snyder
Jena Snyder
Debbie Spencer
Debbie Spencer
Kristina Stockton
Kristina Stockton
Kristin Stone
Kristin Stone
Morgan Sutter
Morgan Sutter
Kat Tate Headshot
Kat Tate
Photo of Janell Thach, 1st grade teacher
Janell Thach
Catherine Thomas
Catherine Thomas
Ivy Adair Taylor 3rd Grade Teacher headshot
Ivy Adair Thomas
Kerri Thompson
Kerri Thompson
Toni Thrash
Toni Thrash
Dayana Tinker
Dayana Tinker
Kari Tomeny
Kari Tomeny
Daniel Townsley
Daniel Townsley
Tresnak Dusty
Dusty Tresnak
Christina Trousdale 4th Grade Teacher headshot
Christina Trousdale
Julieta Vasquez
Julieta Vasquez
Jeff Veal Upper School Principal
Jeff Veal
Photo of Milena Villavicencio, Upper School Spanish teacher
Milena Villavicencio
Amory Walker
Amory Walker
Lori Walsh
Lori Walsh